• +63 9123 456 7891
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Straight Feeder

Product Descriptions:

Runs along the length of connection and the body of the Busduct System. The design ensure that the integrity of the ground path is uniformly maintained throughout the entire Busduct System consistency pressure on the power connection is held by one or more Belleville (cupped washer) when properly tightened.

Component List

Conductor Material

  • Tin-plated copper, 99.9 per cent ETP grade (1250 to 6300 Amps.)
  • Aluminium alloy, electrical guide (800 to 6300 Amps.)

1. Aluminium Housing (integral ground bus)

  • Top and bottom part of the busduct
  • The enclosure is machine-formed and constructed from electrical-grade aluminium to ensure grounding path

2. Multi-bend Side Profiles

  • 100 percent galvanized steel sheet
  • Highly corrosion-resistant

3. Electrical System Compatibility

  • AC 3PHASE + N + G
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